Bella will be 2 in 20 days; I can't believe how fast the 2 years have gone. She is talking a mile a minute now (not always understandable to the untrained ear) and is starting to learn how to play tricks on me. Yesterday, she came in to the kitchen screaming "It's a bug! It's a bug". I freaked out and ran around to find a shoe to kill it, and came into the living room and asked here "where is the bug?" and she smiled and ran to her playroom. There was no bug; she enjoys watching me panic. Stinker.
She is a very loving little girl, with lots of hugs & kisses to go around, and her new favorite thing to do is "snuggle mommy", where she just lays down on me and relaxes. It is heartwarming and perfect; who knew something so small could be so endearing.
Below are some pictures from the summer, including our trip up North to White Lake over the 4th, riding choo choo trains, watering weeds in the back yard, cooking in the kitchen in the apron I made for her, and having a tea party. She is all girl! Loves pink and barbies and babies...
Bella's first tea party. We just bought Bella this little table & chairs set, and she wanted a tea party. She brought Minnie Mouse & Raggedy Ann. She loves dolls more than much for having a tom boy.

Bella's first time baking cookies


Bella watering weeds