BellaReese is so fantastic, she is letting Brian feel her kick and punch all the time now. I am having fun smooshing my belly and figuring out what makes her move. She prefers it when I don' have a full bladder and does not like taking a bath and being submerged in warm water....Both of those actions make her as still as a statue. I am starting to try to figure out what makes her happy and what makes her sleep, etc... Things are progressing really well (knock on wood) and we are very excited that we are getting closer to meeting her. I started washing all the little clothes that Erin has sent us as well as the few pieces I picked up from the big consignment sale I went to back in March. Brian and I registered at BabiesRUs the other day and had so much fun just looking at all the small things our little girl will need. It was tiring and overwhelming, but we found some great stuff. Dad, for you we put on some old fashioned radio-flyer airplane/car thing that she can be pushed around in! Brian is very excited about that one! Let's see...any other big news???? We have an OB appointment on Wednesday AM and an ultrasound a week from Monday.
I started using my sewing machine again and made some little burp rags and blankets and a little hat; I will keep doing stuff like that since I am on a strict "no-buy anything for baby" rule. I can't wait til we get some colors on the walls of her nursery and get the room all ready for her homecoming!!! I have some mad nesting cravings going on!
Next week starts the point of "viability" meaning that if, god forbid, she has to be born early, she has a greater chance of surviving outside of the womb with each passing week. We are holding out for a full term baby, of course, but there is a little relief in knowing that she could survive if she had to come out!
Oh, and we found out that babies can CRY in the womb!! If I get scared or anxious or if I cry or have a fight with Brian, she can sense the tension and cry too!! The thought of my little girl crying and me not being able to stop it or me being the cause of it makes me want to cry!!! But I can't cuz then she will!! Poor baby!!!!
OK, so here is what's new with little Isabeau this week:
Your baby's growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week (That is an exact image of how she is in the womb right now, except she is facing the right, but her feet are down on my cervix and she is headbanging into my ribs). That puts her at just over a pound. Since she's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn), she cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but her body is filling out proportionally and she'll soon start to plump up. Her brain is also growing quickly now, and her taste buds are continuing to develop. Her lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help her air sacs inflate once she hits the outside world. Her skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.
She'll gain a ½ pound this week alone (holy huge baby!). Other highlights this week: Things are starting to get a little crowded inside the old womb as baby grows bigger and bigger. Your ribs are probably pining away for the good old days when they didn't have a head or an elbow permanently lodged between them (I have been having awful rib pain these last few days, every time I lie down on my side which is every night since I have to sleep that way permanently, I feel like my rib cage is going to crack...She LOVES to play the xylophone with my ribs already!!!). Hate to break it to you, but it's going to get worse before it gets better (Great!! Can't wait!). Your baby's ears are fully functional now. And since they are, you may notice that loud noises and sudden movements can startle the little bugger. (We just bought a little Einstein's classical music CD that we are playing for her...there is no real proof that making her listen to music makes her smarter, but as Brian says, anything that might help, lets do it!) She's getting used to the everyday sounds inside the womb: the sound of your heart beating, your lungs inhaling and exhaling air, the growling of your stomach because your partner promised he'd be right back with that Arby's Chicken sandwich and he's taking forever! She'll even be able to hear your voice when your partner finally arrives and you ask him where the bleep he's been! So talk nice (hahahaaha! That would be how our conversation would start!) Baby's got a fully developed inner ear now. This means her sense of balance is working and she can tell whether she's hanging upside down or right side up. She can also feel you moving, so go ahead, pop in your favorite tunes and boogie (Just the image of me and my preggo belly dancing around makes me laugh!!). Your little Wiener schnitzel is about the length of a foot-long Chicago hot dog and weighs about 1 1/3 pounds.

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