Our lives have been truly blessed and changed for the better. On August 19. 2009, BellaReese was born at 3:37 in the morning. Labor was an enjoyable experience, believe it or not, lasting 18 hours or so. I had 11 hours of pain-free contractions, 30 minutes of painful ones, I got an epidural and I only pushed for half an hour. She weighed 8 pounds even and was measured to be 18.5 inches long, but we think that measurement was a little on the low side. She has 10 perfect and long finger, and 10 perfect itty bitty toes. She let out her initial cry, but then just looked around the room and pretty much hasn't cried since, (knock on wood it stays that way!) She is a great mixture, looks wise, of Brian and I. She has Brian's ears, toes, hitchhiker thumbs, and relaxed personality. She has my lips, hair color and facial expressions. She has a full head of long hair; its so long in the back, it flips up! Her hair is this great auburn/copper color, with lots of natural red highlights. She has bright blue eyes, but I am sure those will change...until then, she looks like this little Irish cutie, who loves to look around the world. She is just beyond amazing. She lets us sleep, waking up maybe once or twice, and is just a happy, pleasant, alert baby. I know a lot of babies are good looking, but she really is just beautiful. We are so blessed, I can't even believe it. My life is just so amazing right now. Brian is fantastic with her, we are so happy together, Big City hasn't been a problem, he just wants to give the baby kisses and sniff her head, and we have this beautiful new person in our lives...It doesn't seem real!
She lost 10 ounces in the hospital, weighing 7 pounds 6 ounces. Her belly button stump fell out on day 5. She loves to sleep and eat! At her 2 week doctor appointment she came in at 8 lbs 14 oz and measured to be 21 inches...hence why we think her first measurement was off...growing 2.5 inches in 2 weeks is a little extreme. She is in the 70th percentile for height and weight, and is continuing to grow and impress us everyday!
We are breast feeding her right now, as well as bottle feeding her what I pump, and so far she takes to both eating methods just fine. We occasionally give her one bottle of formula in the middle of the night, she seems to sleep a little longer after drinking it, and that makes us all happier!!!
She is quite the traveler, we have been all over Madison, going on walks in the stroller and watching the puppy play outside. She has been to Naperville to visit grandma Kelly and grandpa Jim and Lake Forest to a Labor day party to visit great grandma lorraine and great grandpa George, she has been to her great grandpa's house in Lodi, WI. She has been to the mall a few times, and to a bunch of restaurants, and just does wonderful where ever we go. I am sure our luck will change soon, but until it does, we will keep exploring.
I could talk for hours about how amazing she is, but I will spare you all the proud mom mumbo jumbo. I will have new pictures for you in a bit! We have no internet, so the updates will be rare until I go back to work on September 25th...Until then, enjoy the few pics we have and we look forward to showing her off in the future!
1 comment:
YAY!!! She is BEAUTIFUL!! Congrats to both of you!!
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