Friday, October 2, 2009

Pics from the other day

Bella, in her cutie little onesie that Grandma Marcie got her, practiced sitting up in Grandpa Mike's chair! Bella loves to stare at light, and so that is where her attention is focused in most of the lamp to the right of the chair!
bella in grandpas chair by you.
bella in grandpas chair by you.
bella in grandpas chair by you.
bella in grandpas chair by you.
bella in grandpas chair by you.
bella in grandpas chair by you.
bella in grandpas chair by you.
bella in grandpas chair by you.
bella in grandpas chair by you.
bella in grandpas chair by you.
bella in grandpas chair by you.
bella in grandpas chair by you.
So little in such a big world!

1 comment:

Carmelle, Vincent, Tristan, Caleb, and Brayden Martinez said...

A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!! She is getting soooo big, so fast!! Geez.....