Friday, February 12, 2010

Little Bella is not so little anymore!

Our little girl is getting so big, its ridiculous. In exactly one week, she will be 6 months old; it seems like just yesterday I was writing about being close to my due date. She is sitting up and laughing and talking to anything that will listen, from walls to toys to her feet. She is amazing. Plain and simple. Here are some pictures taken 2 days ago. Enjoy!

want my giraffe? I can share!


Carmelle, Vincent, Tristan, Caleb, and Brayden Martinez said...

HOLY CRAP!! She is SOOO big!! Also, quite the chunk :) Also, is she going to need a hair cut soon?? Her hair is sooo long!!! Happy 6 months!!!

The Martin Clan said...

She is chunky, but most people say she is small because her head is on the small side in comparison to her weight and height, ha. I always tell people to pick her up and they won't think she is so small! Everyone is telling me I need to cut her hair, but I refuse! I cant do it. I wont before she turns one, I refuse!!!!!

Jenni said...

Hi this is Jenni from BBC (Elijah Kent's Momma) Your LO is gorgeous!

The Martin Clan said...

Thanks, Jenni!