So, according to, here are Brian and I's horoscopes for being parents together, our parenting styles individualy, as well as how we will be with BellaReese. I think, for the most part, they are true to who we are. I am a July baby, so I am the cancer sign, and Brian is a Libra.

Cancer and Libra Parents
Are described as: kinder, gentler parents
Together you two create a kind and gentle parenting team. In many ways, you want the same things: a harmonious, peaceful home; children who grow up feeling supported and loved; balance in your lives. The way you achieve these things may be different from each other, though, so there will be the need for some adjustment between you. The Cancer parent is a homebody, preferring to cuddle up on the couch, reading together after sharing hot chocolate and a plate of home-baked cookies. You're sensitive and emotional, connecting on a feeling level with your children. The Libra parent is more social, organizing a network of families who can call on each other for playdates and other support. Fairness is a big issue with you, so you strive to treat everyone fairly and equally. With the gifts you share, your home life will be fulfilling.

About the Cancer Parent
Described as: providing and ensuring a sense of belonging
As a Cancer parent, you're probably very involved in the childrearing process. You enjoy and learn from every miraculous moment of pregnancy, birth, and your child's growth. You're loving, protective, sensitive, and compassionate. If you're a typical Cancer, you may be a nurturing dynamo, creating a safe and cozy home environment for your loved ones. Caretaking is how you show your love, and this is your seat of power -- but it's not control you want most. You have a primal need to feel safe, secure, and needed. You try to do everything for your family, so that they'll depend upon you. This is perfectly appropriate when you're caring for a baby, but every Cancer parent must remember: If you do everything for your children, they won't learn to take care of themselves. Be sure to teach them the skills you've mastered. Overprotectiveness is another pitfall the Cancer parent should try to avoid. If you constantly hover over your child, letting go could be a challenge as you watch them grow and change. Deep inside, of course, you know it's all part of the cycle of life. Tradition speaks to you; some may even consider you old-fashioned. Holiday customs, family rituals, even ceremonies of religion or faith feed your soul with that strong sense of continuity and community that helps you thrive. The irresistible sensation of your feet on your home turf, surrounded by loved ones and protecting your brood under your generous wing: This is what you live for.

About the Libra Parent
Described as being: The Peacemaker
As a Libra parent, you try to create a peaceful and harmonious home life for your children. It's important to you to bring up your family in beautiful, even luxurious surroundings, and you do what you can to avoid conflict in the home. Thus, you might be a bit of a pushover, especially if your kids are particularly assertive or if they learn to manipulate you to get what they want. Good thing you're so in touch with your core values and beliefs. This will help you put your foot down when necessary and bring the right influences into your children's lives -- without going overboard, of course. You can't help but instill a sense of taste and style in your children, since aesthetic concerns are a natural part of your personality. You enjoy playing the host or hostess at social gatherings and inviting friends into your home, and you'll make sure to teach your children about treating others with courtesy and respect. Your kids may rely on you to settle disputes when sibling rivalries flare. Since you're uncomfortable with tension, this won't be a role you relish, but you're a born diplomat, so it's actually a good fit for you. This is a natural opportunity to teach your children about compromise and cooperation, two of your strong suits. Since you tend to be indecisive, you'll need to make sure that you demonstrate firm consistency with your kids whenever necessary. It's wonderful to be part of a close-knit, affectionate family, but you'll also need to command their respect.

Cancer Parent (mom) and
Described as being: The Peacemaker
As a Libra parent, you try to create a peaceful and harmonious home life for your children. It's important to you to bring up your family in beautiful, even luxurious surroundings, and you do what you can to avoid conflict in the home. Thus, you might be a bit of a pushover, especially if your kids are particularly assertive or if they learn to manipulate you to get what they want. Good thing you're so in touch with your core values and beliefs. This will help you put your foot down when necessary and bring the right influences into your children's lives -- without going overboard, of course. You can't help but instill a sense of taste and style in your children, since aesthetic concerns are a natural part of your personality. You enjoy playing the host or hostess at social gatherings and inviting friends into your home, and you'll make sure to teach your children about treating others with courtesy and respect. Your kids may rely on you to settle disputes when sibling rivalries flare. Since you're uncomfortable with tension, this won't be a role you relish, but you're a born diplomat, so it's actually a good fit for you. This is a natural opportunity to teach your children about compromise and cooperation, two of your strong suits. Since you tend to be indecisive, you'll need to make sure that you demonstrate firm consistency with your kids whenever necessary. It's wonderful to be part of a close-knit, affectionate family, but you'll also need to command their respect.

Cancer Parent (mom) and
Leo child (BellaReese if born before due date {Which mom predicts she will be} )
You're sensitive enough to intuit your Leo child's needs and feelings, which is very special for him. You may realize better than anyone that behind your little one's vibrant, courageous exterior hides a vulnerable soul, and your child thrives under your nurturing care. In fact, you're one of the few people who truly understand your little Leo's sensitive pride, and you always take care to preserve his feelings as much as possible. His warm, sunny nature brightens your life, and you're an enthusiastic audience for his many impromptu performances.Your Leo child craves your devotion, and you give it to him unconditionally, with your whole heart. Your selfless love ensures that your little one will always be able to come to you for soothing support, and he'll always appreciate your cheerleading at the sidelines of what's sure to be a dynamic, interesting life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Libra Parent (Dad) and
Leo Child (BellaReese if born before due date {which mom predicts she will be})
Your Leo child loves performing for you because you make such an affectionate, encouraging, and generally rapt audience. Your little one's flair for drama is apparent from an early age, and she adores being the center of attention. You're a wonderful parent to her in part because you so enjoy her bright, happy energy. Plus, she's naturally popular (which she must have inherited from you!), so playdates, birthday parties, and other get-togethers are fun for both of you. You can foster your child's natural creativity by taking her to plays, films, art galleries, and museums, and instilling in her your own love of art and performance. Most of all, give her all your affection and encouragement, because although your little Leo seems as courageous as a lion, her pride is easily dented if she doesn't feel she's getting the adoration she craves.

You're sensitive enough to intuit your Leo child's needs and feelings, which is very special for him. You may realize better than anyone that behind your little one's vibrant, courageous exterior hides a vulnerable soul, and your child thrives under your nurturing care. In fact, you're one of the few people who truly understand your little Leo's sensitive pride, and you always take care to preserve his feelings as much as possible. His warm, sunny nature brightens your life, and you're an enthusiastic audience for his many impromptu performances.Your Leo child craves your devotion, and you give it to him unconditionally, with your whole heart. Your selfless love ensures that your little one will always be able to come to you for soothing support, and he'll always appreciate your cheerleading at the sidelines of what's sure to be a dynamic, interesting life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Libra Parent (Dad) and
Leo Child (BellaReese if born before due date {which mom predicts she will be})
Your Leo child loves performing for you because you make such an affectionate, encouraging, and generally rapt audience. Your little one's flair for drama is apparent from an early age, and she adores being the center of attention. You're a wonderful parent to her in part because you so enjoy her bright, happy energy. Plus, she's naturally popular (which she must have inherited from you!), so playdates, birthday parties, and other get-togethers are fun for both of you. You can foster your child's natural creativity by taking her to plays, films, art galleries, and museums, and instilling in her your own love of art and performance. Most of all, give her all your affection and encouragement, because although your little Leo seems as courageous as a lion, her pride is easily dented if she doesn't feel she's getting the adoration she craves.

Cancer Parent (mom) and
Virgo Child (BellaReese if due on or after her due date)
A born worrier, your Virgo child can be a bit reserved or high-strung from an early age. Good thing she has such a warmly nurturing, supportive parent as you! You're sensitive to her feelings and concerns, and you go out of your way to provide her with plenty of emotional support. Under your tender guidance, your little Virgo can learn to feel more secure in the world, but take care not to compound her fears with your own. As the parent, your job includes putting on a show of confidence, even when that's the last thing you're feeling inside. In fact, you can learn a lot from your child in that area. She's somewhat more grounded and practical by nature than you are, so she can teach you by example about setting your emotions aside when it's time to get something accomplished.
A born worrier, your Virgo child can be a bit reserved or high-strung from an early age. Good thing she has such a warmly nurturing, supportive parent as you! You're sensitive to her feelings and concerns, and you go out of your way to provide her with plenty of emotional support. Under your tender guidance, your little Virgo can learn to feel more secure in the world, but take care not to compound her fears with your own. As the parent, your job includes putting on a show of confidence, even when that's the last thing you're feeling inside. In fact, you can learn a lot from your child in that area. She's somewhat more grounded and practical by nature than you are, so she can teach you by example about setting your emotions aside when it's time to get something accomplished.

Libra Parent (dad) and
Virgo Child (BellaReese, if due on or after her due date)
One of your primary concerns in life is harmony in your relationships, but your Virgo child is more interested in attaining perfection. Not nearly as gregarious and people-oriented as you are, he's most comfortable when surrounded by quiet, order, and routine, so it's best to establish a daily schedule for his meals and bedtime. This could be difficult for you, since you aren't as practical as your little Virgo. Efficiency matters less to you than friendliness and positive feelings. Still, your love of peace and your little Virgo's need for order can dovetail nicely. Your child appreciates that you keep a pleasant, comfortable home. You, in turn, like the way he keeps his toys organized and, as he gets older, how he completes his chores in a timely manner. It should be easy for you and your child to get along and create a cozy home together.
Virgo Child (BellaReese, if due on or after her due date)
One of your primary concerns in life is harmony in your relationships, but your Virgo child is more interested in attaining perfection. Not nearly as gregarious and people-oriented as you are, he's most comfortable when surrounded by quiet, order, and routine, so it's best to establish a daily schedule for his meals and bedtime. This could be difficult for you, since you aren't as practical as your little Virgo. Efficiency matters less to you than friendliness and positive feelings. Still, your love of peace and your little Virgo's need for order can dovetail nicely. Your child appreciates that you keep a pleasant, comfortable home. You, in turn, like the way he keeps his toys organized and, as he gets older, how he completes his chores in a timely manner. It should be easy for you and your child to get along and create a cozy home together.
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