On Monday, Brian and I went to see our OB for the second time. After waiting 25 minutes, we finally got called in to see him. A lot of good stuff happened! Well, mostly good stuff! I found out I have gained 10 pounds so far :( which they said is fine, if I stay on this plan, about a pound a week, I will be at the maximum average suggested weight gain of 35 pounds, which I would be fine with! It all depends on if I can control my hunger and start walking once the weather gets nice! The doctor also measured where the baby is in my abdomen and suggested that I am more at 16 weeks than 15, which made me happy, but I will keep the weekly posting on this blog like I have been. Also, the best thing, we got to hear our baby's heartbeat for the first time!!! All other times, we have just seen it!! It was at about 150 BPM, which the Doc said was perfect!! It was so exciting, hearing the life in my belly; we listened to mine first, and it was really loud and slow, and then Martini's, which was just fast and quieter! It was wonderful.
This was the first time I have seen the Doc since my first trimester screening, where they tested for downs syndrome and trisomy 13 and 18, and we got the results for the test. Based on the measurement of the baby and the blood tests done, we have a 1 in 18,000 chance of our baby having downs! and a 1 in 37,000 chance of the baby having trisomy 13 or 18!! Great odds!! So far, the baby looks great and healthy!! I also had some blood drawn to test for spinal defects, like Spina Bifida and other possible problems, we will get that back in a week or so.

And, on a final note, upon finding out about my uterus, I had been told I get to get ultrasounds once a month to monitor the baby's growth and to make sure that the baby has sufficient room to swim and play. I asked the doctor if that order still stood since my uterus shouldn't be a problem any longer (the average woman only gets 3 ultrasounds during her pregnancy...I have had 3 already). He said that they were not necessary anymore, and when I looked a little sad, he said, "if you want to go once a month, I won't stop you, feel free to go and look at your baby." I was so happy! I told him, I would go once a day if he would allow it! I love looking at the baby and the doctor laughed, saying that some women find it bothersome to go to the hospital once a month and I said I was shocked, who wouldn't want to see their baby?! So I get to have an ultrasound in April, May, June, July and the final one in August! I am not kidding... if anyone wants to buy me an ultrasound machine, I will gladly accept! Ha!
33 days til we have the Ultrasound to find out the gender!! SO LONG TO WAIT!
Thanks for reading guys!
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