So I have always loved feeling Bella move, but lately, I have to admit, the fear I had of being pregnant is starting to come true, much to my dismay. I always thought it would be alien-like to feel the baby move and up until about 3 days ago, that fear was squashed since it felt "normal" to feel her kick, but now, her movements are becoming so much more animated and they are making my whole belly stick out in a new way and look square instead of round, and it sort of freaks me out. I still love that she is moving, but it is a very intense movement and I am taking a while to adjust to it. Last night, for example, I was doing my kick counts and feeling slightly annoyed since she wasn't cooperating, and then as soon as I said, "I haven't felt her in hours" to Brian, she began to move. It wasnt just a quick jab, it was a full on "let me drag my entire leg across the entire side of your belly over to the other hip". I swear, I saw a long baby leg move like a snake from my left waist to my right hip. That is exactly what it felt like and looked like, a snake moving across my belly. You know how they depict Bugs Bunny in the cartoon, when he travels underground and leaves little mole hill looking things on the surface of the ground? That trail is what my belly looked like!!!!! I got a little freaked and waited for more movements, and it happened again and again. The body parts that are sticking out are getting harder and sticking out for longer, and it is bizarre. I touch the part of my tummy that she is moving in, and it just feels different. I am very glad she is moving so much and that she doing so well, but it is just weird. Hopefully that doesn't make me a bad mom, because I want them to continue, I just am having a hard time adjusting to her new strength and flexibility. Anyway...this is my own problem, keep kicking away, Bells.
How your baby's growing:

Big news for baby's brain this week: It's starting to wrinkle and fold and looks like something that grew in the back of your fridge. This is due to the rapid growth of your little genius's brain cells. Other highlights this week:Fingernails and toenails are finally finished—her parents great fear and anguish the first time they try to cut those little daggers (it gets easier, we promise)! Plus, the bone marrow is completely in charge of red-blood-cell production now. Trust us, this is a good thing.Baby is starting to shed her lanugo—the downy hair that was covering her skin. Now that she's chubbier and better able to regulate her body temp, she doesn't need to sport a fur coat 24/7."I spy an umbilical cord and the inside of my mom's uterus!" When your baby is awake, her eyes are now wide open and she's whittling away the hours looking around, checking out her rather dark, limited environs. Your baby hasn't gained much weight or height this week,
as most of her energy's been channeled to the brain. She weighs about 3 pounds and is approximately 15.5 inches long, about the size of London, not the city, Britney Spears' Yorkie terrier. Of course your baby is less hairy and way cuter!

Baby's muscles and lungs are continuing to mature.
The fetus can taste and respond to pain.
The milk teeth have developed under the gums.
The fetus can taste and respond to pain.
The milk teeth have developed under the gums.
The baby's head is growing bigger to accommodate the brain, which is busy developing billions of neurons. The eyes can move in their sockets. They may be able to follow a blinking light. As well as your baby's increasing sensitivity to changes in light, they may also be able to taste. Various studies show that your baby may indicate preferences or dislike for particular tastes at this stage.Baby is also moving from side to side, but probably still is head up. In the next few weeks, they will move to the head down birthing position. At times you may feel as if baby is performing somersaults for an olympic gold medal. Baby may be performing fewer movements because living conditions in the womb are becoming more cramped. The baby is still doing a lot of kicking and stretching. Some of your baby's kicks and punches may even take your breath away.Baby hears things better from the vibrations all around, and can now distinguish real sounds and voices. Do not forget to continue to 'teach' your baby in the womb by exposing them to music, literature, and simply talking to them. At this stage baby eyes are almost always blue and can distinguish bright sunlight or artificial light through the uterine wall. At week twenty nine, your baby measures about 11 inches from crown to rump, or a total length of about 15 inches from head to heel.
How your life's changing:
You may be feeling a little tired these days, especially if you're having trouble sleeping. You might also feel clumsier than normal, which is perfectly understandable. Not only are you heavier, but the concentration of weight in your pregnant belly causes a shift in your center of gravity. Plus, thanks to hormonal changes, your ligaments are more lax, so your joints are looser, which may also contribute to your balance being a bit off. Also, this relaxation of your ligaments can actually cause your feet to spread permanently, so you may have to invest in some new shoes in a bigger size.
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