Yesterday was quite the busy day for us. I had to get my Rhogam shot for having the o- blood type, which a lot of people scared me about saying the needle is huge and you have to get it in the butt because it is so big and painful, blah blah blah, but needless to say, it was just fine. I got it in my arm, even though the tech said it would hurt more, it just felt like a regular shot. The needle was slightly fatter, but not anything I would have noticed on my own without people telling me beforehand. So, we are set on Rhogam shots til Bella arrives. The gestational diabetes test came back good, so I don't have to worry about that, which is a huge relief! I am on the high side of the low end in terms of my iron levels, so if they drop anymore, I will have to start taking iron supplements, but as of right now, I am doing just fine all around.
Then we went to have the ultrasound done, and BellaReese is doing fantastic! We had to wait 45 minutes in the waiting room because the place was backed up pretty bad, but we got $11 to use in the coffee shop afterwards, for the inconvenience, which was pretty sweet!
So back to Bella. She is measuring 4 days ahead, and is in the 57% percentile for height and weight. She is currently 2 pounds 12 oz, so 2.75 pounds! What a big baby! Her heartbeat was 145, also a good number. She is still breech, the little stinker! Same exact position for the last 3 ultrasounds! She doesn't seem to want to flip at all!!! I don't blame her, who would want to hang upside down for months on end. My fluid levels look good, so she can just keep swimming away and having a grand ole time in there. We got to see great images of her hands this time, we even got a thumbs up at one point. We got one amazing shot of her face, it is so incredible, all the details it picks up. She has chubby cheeks and a cutie little nose and these pouty lips! Such a cutie! Luckily for us, she wasn't covering her face with her arm and leg this time! The best part of the ultrasound, however, was:
ISABELLA HAS HAIR!!!! Hair long enough to stick straight out from the back of her head! Our baby isn't bald! It would have been totally fine if she was, but I love little newborns with thick heads of hair! It was so amazing to see, I can't believe the detail that the ultrasounds can pick up nowadays! It is such an awesome experience. I do not have anymore ultrasounds scheduled, it is up to the discretion of my OB if I need more, so I am going to call and beg for at least one more in August! I can skip July's....If he wants to let me have 2 more, I will gladly accept them, but I really, really want one more before she arrives.
So here are the pics. The quality is kinda crappy since we didn't get a CD this time, for some reason, so they are just scanned. This first one here is the best shot ever! Look at her little face! Such a blob of cuteness already!
Here is a side profile shot. Last ultrasound, she was looking like she had my chin and jaw line, now we think it is
Brian's chin and my jaw line. The nose we aren't sure about yet, and the lips are more mine we think, but we can't quite tell. You can even see a little bit of her ear on the left side of her head...she has little elf ears!

Here is her hand, she is waving. I am so mad it scanned so dark, because the real image you can see each finger individually. She has 5 fingers on this hand, at least, so that is a plus!

Side shot again.

This one I doubt anyone will be able to tell. The image is of her side profile, with her arm resting on her forehead. She is almost flexing her muscle and giving her bicep a kiss. Really shitty quality though, so it probably just looks like a blob to you. Sorry!

Here are her legs, from the knees down to her feet. Her feet are actually pushing on my bladder in this one. The tech was like, "this is the exact reason you have to go to the bathroom so much. She is pushing on it right now!"

Here she is demonstrating her flexibility. Her hand and foot in the same shot. She plays with her toes a lot. Her hand and fingers are kind of curving over about to grab the toes.

So all in all, everything is looking good, the Septum isn't creating problems yet, but it might be preventing her turning to a non breech position. She actually plays with the little piece and boxes with it and grabs for it, so it is kind of like a built in play thing, ha.
We start Birthing classes on Thursday! We are both very excited! I will keep you posted!
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