So we had our monthly Doc appointment yesterday, and all is well with the baby! Her heartbeat is in the 130s and she is moving up a storm! I had to do the Gestational Diabetes test yesterday, which required me to drink some orange sugar water drink, which didn't taste that bad, but made my tummy upset for the rest of the night. I should get the results of that in the next day or two. I also have to get my rhogam shot on Monday...BOOOO...I hear it is a pretty big needle, and I am not looking forward to that at all.
The doc said I am measuring a week ahead in terms of where my uterus is sitting, so that is awesome, the sooner in August, the better!
I didn't see my OB this time, I saw a different doc who I have seen before in the past, and she said that I have gained a healthy amount of weight and that I can try to maintain if I want, or I can keep gaining...either way she is not worried. The funny thing is, I don't even feel like I eat that much or that unhealthy, especially compared to the beginning of the pregnancy when I ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted... the weight just keeps coming on! I no longer eat fried food, and only occasionally have dessert, like once a week or so.... The funny thing is, I really don't even care that much! I always thought I would struggle with the weight gain, knowing my past, but I just avoid looking at certain parts in the mirror, ha, and I keep telling myself, it is what my body needs to do and I can lose it afterwards with the awesome jogging stroller my California family got me! All in all, the baby is doing great, and that is all I care about!
OK, so movement wise, things have started to get crazy!! Yesterday at work, I was just watching my belly roll around, and I put my hand where here head is and all the sudden, I feel a huge turning roll sensation, like if you sit on one of those massage chairs that have the roller balls that move up and down your back, just in my belly! I have felt that before, but never on this scale! I swear she must have done a complete 360 degree turn! I was just shocked! And then she started stretching and my belly had parts poking out like a 5 point star! It is so crazy! It is almost on the verge of being weird and alienlike, but I still love it!
She is also more fun to "play" with now, as I call it. I can poke an area, and she pokes back! or nudges me away. It is so much fun! Who would have thought you could spend so much time just staring and poking at your own skin?!
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