Friday, May 8, 2009

More hand-made stuff!

I had two days off work and decided to get more sewing done. I made another teddy bear, as well as clothes for both of them, although when the pics were taken, the little brown bear was still nude. It currently has a red bandanna hat like the big bear. I made a vest for it, but it is kinda crappy looking. I am not sure if I will salvage it or dump it. I also made another blanket, the hardest thing by far since there was no pattern, all my own creation and design, but forget to get a picture of it, I will post one later. 2 days of constant crouching over while sitting down and sewing has made my back hurt in a way I have never felt before. I couldn't move all last night and almost tripped and killed myself trying to go to the bathroom at 3 in the morning since I stood up too fast and buckled with shooting pain throughout my whole body. After soaking in hot bath today, I can finally move a little. It will be a while before I return to sewing, sadly, and when I do, it will be for little spurts at a time, no 12 hour stints, ha! I have so many more projects I want to do before BellaReese arrives! Here are a few of the pictures:

The hat is from a pattern. I thought it was pretty cute! Kinda like Paddington bear, sans corduroy overalls and the fact this bear is a girl....

This flower thing was my own design. The vest was kinda boring so I thought it made it look a little cuter.

And here is the newest bear! It is Brian's favorite. The arms are a little huge, I don't know why they look so ginormous, but oh well. He is still pretty cute in my opinion.


Interesting story. So the morning of May 6th comes around and I realize that my wedding rings are a bit to snug for my liking so after a few seconds of yanking and sliding, I get them off, and get really sad since I hate looking down and only seeing the impressions of where they used to sit, which serves as a constant reminder of how puffy I have become. Anyways, Brian realizes I am really sad and goes, "hey, did you realize that to the exact day, 2 years ago, I gave you those rings?" He proposed originally on May Day but didn't have the actual rings, so I got a second proposal on May 6th, with the rings. Realizing the awful irony of the situation, I started to laugh since I didn't want to cry and now we just think of how much has changed (for the better) in the exact 2 years and it doesn't hurt so much to realize I am no longer wearing the rings, instead, I have a nice round belly to show our love and committment to each other, ha ha. You better be worth it, Isabella Reese Martin!

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