So we had our 24 week ultrasound yesterday, to check the growth of the baby and to make sure the septum wasn't affecting her growth or hindering her movement in anyway, or to make sure the placenta wasn't blocking bloodflow to her. Everything still looks great, she still has room to move, although seems to like to stay in the position she is in...breech! with her feet mainly by my hips, although she does move those around the most. Her heartbeat was at 146 BPM, she is weighing in at 1 pound, 10 oz, so a little over a pound and a half, and is a few days ahead of schedule growth-wise, so everything looks to be going great! The little stinker decided to become a contortionist and had a
leg and an
arm infront of her face at ALL times during the u/s, so she wouldn't let us get any facial shots! But we got some good ones of the rest of her body, nonetheless. Here they are:
Her heartbeat pattern, showing no irregularities!

The money shot, or junk shot. There should be something hanging between her two legs there, if she were to be a boy, but there isn't! She is all girl!

Awesome leg shot! You can see her lower leg bones and her adorable little foot so well!

Here is an interesting shot, it is of her butt, no legs in the picture, and the small bright white line is where her girl parts are! It is right in the middle of the round image. Our little BellaReese will probably be mad at me one day knowing I showed her junk to the whole world, but oh well!

Rib shot! And you can see the outline of her head. Quite the dome she has!

Her little feet! These are the culprits of what makes my belly pop out every now and then! She moves them a lot, from being down below by my hips, to up by her face, like she is stretching. They go everywhere!

Femur shots! Her legs seem to be developing well, right on track with the rest of her body!

This is my favorite shot of the group! It is of her left arm, I believe, and you can see the radius and ulna (lower forearm bones) as well as her humerus bone (bicep bone). The humerus bone is no longer a week ahead of the rest of her, ha, so she is no longer some long armed freak! I think ultrasounds are amazing, the detail that they pick up is outstanding!

This is a fun picture, it is of her abdominal cavity, with the orange representing her renal arteries and the blood flow between her kidneys. Everything seems to be in working order!

Spinal shot, you can count each vertebrae!

The one face shot she let us get, but it is creepy looking. I am not a fan of it. In 2 weeks, her eyes will unfuse shut, so she will be able to blink. I think that is awesome!

And the final picture, showing just how flexible our little stinker is! You can see her leg and foot and then her arm and fist, and the round object behind it is her head! She is doing some mad crunches in there, ha! I am pretty sure her face is in the placenta again! She loves to nuzzle into that.
Oh and a cute story! So I was lying on the table/couch thing while they were doing the ultrasound and I had my left arm under my head so it was propped up slightly so I could see the screen better, and the tech decided to try to find her other arm, and it was also behind her head propping it up, just like mom! Too funny!
So all in all, things look good and the baby is doing well! The next ultrasound is June 1st! Hopefully that one will let us get a good face shot and maybe she won't be breech!
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