Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day Care

Bella started day care with my friend, Katie. She is a stay at home mom who used to work at a day care and wanted to get back into it but this time from home. She has a 1 year old daughter, Emma, and another girl, Dora, who was born a few weeks after Bells who will be starting with her in November. So far, we are only using Katie's services on Monday's and Wednesday's. She emails me pictures at work through out the day, and here is one of them from Monday. She is such a happy baby!

1 comment:

Carmelle, Vincent, Tristan, Caleb, and Brayden Martinez said...

Awwww, it's so sad to be away all day, isn't it?? But that is AWESOME that you get pics during the day!! Jealous. :)