Friday, October 2, 2009

Bella Update!

Bella has started to smile every time she sees me or hears my is the greatest feeling in the world. For not being a very emotional person, when she smiles after seeing my face, I almost want to cry; I'm so impressed by her!

She was moved to her crib 4 nights ago, and so far, it has been the best parenting decision we made! She has been sleeping better and longer, and so have we! I had no idea babies make so much noise in their sleep!!!! We give her a bath around 8, 8:30, and then I dim the lights in her room and put on the wave machine we have since the noise seems to soothe her to sleep pretty fast, and then I give her a baby massage with Johnson and Johnson's bedtime lotion, I dim the lights almost all the way, and then feed her, lay her down, swaddle her, shove a Nuk in her mouth and leave the room and usually within 10-15 minutes, by 9:30, she is sleeping. (knock on wood it stays this way!!!) She sleeps til about 2/2:30, and then usually just grunts and groans while still half asleep, I go in and feed her, lay her back down and then have until about 6/6:30 before she wakes again. Sometimes she is up for the day then, sometimes she sleeps til about 8/8:30. I am so happy with this schedule, I really really hope it sticks!!!!!

Bella has a busy weekend coming up! Auntie Jordan is coming up today to meet her for the first time! We are very excited. Then Saturday, after work, we are heading to Naperville for her baby shower. Sunday, she gets to meet her godmother and auntie, Noel, and uncle Ben for the first time and all the Naperville family friends at the shower. We are very, very excited!!

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