Saturday, March 28, 2009


So I have been trying to feel the baby kick from the outside by constantly sitting with my hands on my belly, waiting for a slight nudge. I thought I felt one two days ago for the first time, but since it hadn't happened since, I was thinking maybe I made up. I was just sitting here at work, however, with my hands on my belly, I felt 2 really strong punches (or kicks, or the head or butt or knee or elbow, I have no idea what part of the body it was) but either way, it has made me so excited!! We have tried to get Brian to feel something (I feel so bad for the guys, they don't get to really experience anything until the end! Brian says he will feel it when BellaReese wants him to), but everytime a kicking spree starts and he puts his hands on my belly, nothing happens. It is such a crazy thing! Next, I am going to be looking to see it kicking from the outside, but sitting here at work, I don't think it is appropriate to have my shirt lifted waiting for something to happen, ha! More to come later!

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