Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I am SOOOO proud of my little girl! She is such a good baby!!

Brian and I have started our weekly OB appointments, which will continue until Bella arrives. Great, amazing news!! Isabella has turned so her head is now down, in the correct birthing position, which means, as long as she doesn't flip back up, I will get to have the vaginal birth I want! Brian and I are very relieved and happy, and extremely proud of our little girl for being so cooperative, albeit slightly late and without some unnecessary drama. The doc brought in an ultrasound machine and turned it on, goes "there's the head" and then flipped it off...kind of anticlimactic compared to my other ultrasounds, but it got the job done...her head looked mighty big and round! Good lord I hope that it was magnified, for my birth canals sake!! Of course there is still a chance for a c-section somewhere down the road, but as of now, the OB and I are preparing for a vaginal birth.

Other news from the appointment:I have been having some more swelling in my feet for months now but recently in the last week, my hands and wrists and fingers have decided to join in on the swelling fun. My blood pressure was high for me (I am usually on the lowest side of "normal"), which are symptoms of "pre-eclampsia" or pregnancy induced hypertension, which can be dangerous for the baby as well as me, so that combined with the new swelling is a minor sign of alarm, so the doc's are going to keep monitoring me to make sure my blood pressure doesn't keep rising. I can only ever remember the first number from the BP readings, which before pregnancy were in the high 90s, and it has fluctuated between 100-108 since being preggers. Last week it was at 104 over something, and this week it is 128 over something, so a notable increase in just a week. I am sure nothing will come of it and the doctors aren't too concerned yet, but I am glad they are aware of it and will be keeping an eye out.

The doctor told me that I have hit the point where if I go into labor, they WILL NOT try to stop it. He said that the most they would be able to stave it off for is probably two days and the medicines to stop it will be more harmful than helpful for the baby, so at this point, if labor happens, Isabella will be born! She is still considered "premature" and will be until I hit the 37th week mark, which comes on August 2, so we have about 11 days to hit the full term mark, and then she is considered a term baby!

People have started taking bets at work on when she will arrive. No one thinks I will make it to the 23rd, since my belly is so big already, so we will have to see! I am guessing around grandma Marcie's birthday, August 16th, is when she will make an appearance. Brian thinks closer to the 20th. The closer to August 12, when I start maternity leave, the better! (although, seeing her stubbornness already with the whole "will I turn? Won't I?", part of me thinks she will make me wait and wait and wait to meet her…please don't, Bella! Mama wants you in her arms so bad!!!

Everything seems to be going well (knock on wood) and the house is almost ready for the arrival of the little one. Grandma Kelly and Grandpa Jim came up and redid the garage to make it into a guest bedroom so when people come to visit, they have a place to stay. The baby's room is set and ready to go. Her swing is set up, the bassinet is set up, all her clothes and blankets are washed…all we still need to do is organize a shelf for her in the linen closet and set up a drawer for her in the bathroom for all her bath accessories and then sterilize the few bottles we have. I want to hardcore clean the place before she comes, but I will wait another week or 2 to do that or I will probably just have to do it over again. Her bag is packed for the hospital, I still have to pack one for me. The count down is on! Tomorrow marks the calendar month mark until her due date!! I can not wait!!! She will be one loved chickadee!


Erin said...

Great news! We need a recent belly pic! I want to see this ginormeous belly everyone is talking about.

The Oettikers said...

Just a bit of advice - in your baby bag for the hospital. Definately have a going home outfit - a newborn and 0-3 months if that is an option for you just in case. Apparently Meriter uses cloth diapers so you will want 1-2 diapers (when we had Sam in the NICU, they used disposable). Other than that save room in your diaper bag for the stuff they will send home with you. I am telling you, collect as much disposable underwear and pads as you can (you will actually want to wear them for another week or two at home!). They will send you home with a thermometer, nasal aspirator, diapers (maybe?), bottles (especially if you are nursing and have started pumping in the hospital), formula and other stuff. TAKE IT ALL! Also, and I would not be offended if you don't take this advice, if you are planning on nursing (first, don't get frustrated - I did!), ask to use a pump and start pumping right away to help your milk come in. They have GREAT Medela pumps in the hospital that stimulate your nipples in a way that is nearly identical to a baby. Also, not that I am the world's greatest mom by any means, but if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! I'm thinking about you guys and I'm sure all will be great!